Madrid, Spain 4K HDR Walking Tour – Avril 2023
The decision comes after regional technicians went to the works yesterday and found that the Consistory “has not made control and archaeological and paleontological monitoring of earthworks, despite being one of the conditions imposed by the regional authorities to approve the project, which is developed in an area in which the presence of archaeological and paleontological remains is documented.
After paralyzing the works, the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, in compliance with the Heritage Law of the Community of Madrid, will open proceedings to determine possible responsibilities. From now on, information will be requested from the Madrid City Council, which will have to explain its actions.
The works can be resumed when the technicians of the Community determine that the conservation of the existing heritage is guaranteed. Patrimonio insists that the works, which affect the Archaeological Zone of the Historical Precinct of the Villa de Madrid, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1993, do not have authorization for archaeological work on behalf of any archaeological company.
When will the Plaza de España project be completed?
Plaza España works will be finished in 2021: this is how the works are progressing and how it will look like according to the project | Somos Madrid.
When will the new Plaza de España be inaugurated?
This is what the new Plaza de España looks like three months after its inauguration. On November 22, 2021, the mayor of Madrid inaugurated the remodeling of the Plaza de España.
How much did the Plaza España project cost?
The project and execution has cost the public coffers around 70 million euros, after a 20% readjustment of the budget due to the architectural discoveries made during the excavations.
La belleza de los dos rascacielos gemelos de la Plaza de Colón de Madrid, obra icónica del arquitecto Antonio Lamela en 1968, reside menos en su aspecto que en la extraordinaria estructura colgante que calculó el ingeniero de caminos Javier Manterola, y que durante su construcción hizo que las torres parecieran un moderno tótem ciclópeo. Exagerada, pues, la polémica que ha desatado el proyecto de Luis Vidal, que sustituye el remate posmoderno que el hijo del arquitecto original, Carlos Lamela, añadió en el año 1992 por un par de cubos que respetan la alineación del edificio pero alteran su composición de volúmenes. Ciertamente, la polémica tiene un lado interesante, el de hasta qué punto deben protegerse los edificios modernos, pero en general se ha librado en forma de acusaciones de muy dudosa importancia y gusto, que apenas ocultan el hecho de que el Estudio Lamela y su ex colaborador Luis Vidal compitieron -con propuestas casi idénticas- por un encargo cuya viabilidad, en cualquier caso, dependía en última instancia de aumentar la superficie construida del edificio.
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During the second week, the strategy of expansion through the neighborhoods [14] was carried out, with the convening of popular assemblies in the neighborhoods of Madrid, metropolitan cities and even towns [15] (Figure 21). This is a decentralization of the Puerta del Sol since the dismantling of the base camp on Sunday, June 12 has been approved in the general assembly. The complementary options to the new activity in the neighborhoods are varied: to take the four minimum points agreed in the assembly to the Congress of Deputies, to return every 15th of each month to hold rallies in Puerta del Sol and even to reoccupy the square in October.
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